Yah! It's Summertime! Summertime, Summertime,
Sum, Sum, Summertime...
Summertime, summertime,
Sum, sum, summertime.
Well we'll go swimmin every day
No time to work just time to play
If your folks complain just say,
It's summertime.
*The Jamies, Lyrics
Sum, sum, summertime.
Well we'll go swimmin every day
No time to work just time to play
If your folks complain just say,
It's summertime.
*The Jamies, Lyrics
This was American Bandstand at its peak. All the "famous" regulars were on camera...Bob, Justine, I think Fran...what a trip! :)
Shhhh. Secret..I was in a spotlight dance on Bandstand in 1964..Dick Clark was awesome. I can remember it all like it was just yesterday. We took a train from Trenton, NJ to Philly..Bill Markulic and I were picked..I was wearing a white pleated skirt and an orange "shell" as we used to call them..probably white flats..It is one of my fondest memories, ever. :) ...but I forget what song it was. darn it.
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Yah! It's Summertime!
