With only 12 days left of IAM, the pressure is on to reach our goal of $50,000! However, a generous couple from the FIRST community, Lynn and Mike Briggs, grandparents to Adam Klafter, affected with Epidermolytic Ichthyosis (formerly known as EHK), have stepped up with a Match Challenge!
From 12AM to Midnight on Wednesday, May 20, they will match donations, dollar for dollar (until we reach $2,500!) That means we could potentially RAISE $5,000 in a single day! Are you ready? On Wednesday, May 20, we encourage you to post your page on social media, email your friends with your url link, or communicate with them in any way you like -- and let them know that THEIR DONATIONS will be DOUBLED from 12AM to Midnight Wednesday May 20!
PLEASE DONATE TOMORROW MAY 20TH. We are going to give generously to help find a cure for EI .
Safely donate here: Together we can DO IT! SAFELY Donate here:
Thank you so much for all of your support! You are making a difference to say many affected with ichthyosis and related skin types.
Madeline Bergman
Director of Development
215.997.9400 (ph) / 215.997.9403 (fax)

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