Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"Knock, Knock...Orange You Glad There Is Green? I Love You Grandma!"

Knock knock jokes have been around forever.  So have a lot of grandmothers!  This treasury is made in celebration of all the grandmas out there on Mother's deserve double the pleasure and double the fun!
I am blessed to be "Mimi" to 6 + adorable grandchildren.  They keep me young, happy and inspired.  I had fun making this treasury with beautiful orange and green items from my teammates shops and fellow artists on Etsy...that nougat is driving me crazy!  Enjoy your shopping..and don't forget grandma!  There is even a song on you tube at the end in her honor!  By the way, my shop now features button charm bracelets..sure to delight all ages!  Made with lots of love by me.

"La vie est belle!: Life is beautiful!  Patti

"Knock, Knock...Orange You Glad There Is Green? I Love You Grandma!"

 FEATURED SHOPS: Click on any photo for a direct link back to and all the shops.



Grandchild says,
"Knock knock!"
"Whose there?"Replies Grandma.
Orange! Orange who?
Orange you glad there is green!
"I love you Grandma."
Patti.xo.Loves Paris Studio

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