Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Came In Like A Lion, Went Out Like A Lamb.

In Maine, we are finally having our first major snowstorm of the winter. So, March is definitely coming in like a lion. Knowing Maine, it may or may not go out like a lamb. But, I sure do love that smiling lamb photo at the very bottom corner of my treasury. Enjoy! I thought the Lion King theme song would be an appropriate YouTube for today! :) My Tagt Team featured shops are spotlighted.
 "La vie est belle!" Life is beautiful! Patti 

March Came In Like A Lion, Went Out Like A Lamb
Click on any picture for a direct link to



Here in Maine...
March has come in like a lion,
Our biggest snowstorm of the winter.
Hopefully, it will follow the famous saying...
And go out like a lamb.
Patti.xo.Tagt Team


  1. Thank you sooo much Patti. What a lovely treasury :D

  2. Lucky you! Ive missed snow this year...I thought we might get some with this storm..but just some drizzles here in jersey! A wonderful collection to celebrate March ~ thank you so much Patti for includimg my drawing :) xo
